Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Politics again...

Here is a link to CNN's "Fact Check." It helps to dispell rumors and provide some clarity about statements made by and about the Presidential candidates.

Vote with your brains, people!


Here is a great post regarding the upcoming election in the US. The writer makes some very good points, especially to those of you/us who only vote for one party and believe anything the party (or the party's pundits) tell you.

Read the post here.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Canadian voters head to the polls again on 10/14/08. I read a comment on the CBC website that lamented the lack of choices in the Canadian election. Lack of choices? There are 5 major parties involved in the election. Yes, it's a different electoral system than what we have in the US, but 5 options sure beats 2.

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day from the Harley-Davidson website:

"America, please don't buy a Harley because it gets 50 MPG. MPG describes riding like biology describes sex."

Monday, August 25, 2008

Quote of the Day

Well, so much for blogging. It looks like our last post was on 5/27/08. And it was also a Quote of the Day.

This one is from a comment thread on InternetMonk.com.

"I used to get pretty irked with people who told me to be happy all the time. I said I preferred to be honest."

Read the entire post here.

For my entire life people have told me that I need to smile more. And I tell them that God gave me a face that I have to force to smile. So there. How can you argue with God's handiwork?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Quote of the Day

It appears that we don't put real posts on here anymore. That's okay, no one reads it. :-)

Here is the Quote of the Day, from a comment thread at InternetMonk.com:

"One time, some church dude asked me about my opinion of inerrancy. I said, “I believe everything the Bible claims about itself.”

He informed me that was heresy.

Never did comprehend that one."

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Quote of the day

"I can no more understand the totality of God than the pancake I made for breakfast understands the complexity of me."

-Don Miller, in Blue Like Jazz

Friday, February 29, 2008


Here is a Hermeneutics Quiz to gauge how you interpret the Bible. I scored a 67; just on the lower end of "Progressive."

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Larry Norman

So, the three people who read this probably already know this, but Larry Norman passed away on Sunday (2/24/08). He seemed to have an impact on everyone he came across, whether good or bad. My mom had a cassette of his album "In Another Land" when I was younger and it was one of my favorites. He was one of my first introductions to "Christian rock." He was never afraid to speak out about or against American culture and American Christian culture. He never claimed to be the "father of Christian rock" or to be part of the "Jesus movement." He was simply a songwriter speaking about his beliefs. The Christian music industry in general has ignored him, although they would be nowhere without him. He doesn't fit the mold; he'd never be played on KLOVE (except for DC Talk's cover of "I Wish We'd All Been Ready"). He didn't sanitize the Gospel, didn't make his message easy to swallow. And he didn't preach to the choir.

There are some other blogs out there with tributes to Larry Norman. The Internet Monk posted this one a few years ago and resurrected it this week.

Shaun Groves has this to say about Larry Norman:
"It’ll be interesting to see how we react to Larry’s death. Will we gush accolades on our radio stations that didn’t play him? Will labels that wouldn’t sign him (or his kind) now make tribute CDs? Will music lovers who eschew singer-songwriters with a pointy finger suddenly revere him?"
Read his full post here.

Shaun also brings up a good point. Why do the "Christian artists" who make an impact become objects of derision? Read this:
"You see, people in the industry don’t always speak highly of Larry Norman. He allegedly didn’t work well with others. Nor do they always speak well of Keith Green. He was allegedly self-righteous and arrogant. Or how about Rich Mullins? Allegedly a foul-mouthed drunk. "
Hmmm, kind of sounds like the Pharisees talking about Jesus, doesn't it?

Friday, February 01, 2008

3 years!

It is amazing how time flies! I can't believe that Hannah is 3 today. It's just weird to me that I have a 3 year old now. I really remember my labor experience like it just happened. I remember having to drive myself to the hospital because I was in labor and Clint was at work. Time flies! Now Hannah is growing up so fast. She is becoming a beautiful young little girl. She is doing a wonderful job at potty training and doesn't hardly have any problems. And now I am realizing that Gracie will be one years old in just a month. She is walking around and getting into everything!

I just can't believe that time goes by so fast. I am torn between my feelings and wants. I love the fact that my girls are growing up so fast, but at the same time, I want them to stay my little girls forever! Pretty soon my girls are going to go to school become their own people. And when they hit the teen years, boy will we have out work cut out for us! It's just amazing to me that in 3 years I have two beautiful little girls and a wonderful husband! I am certified as a teacher now, but I don't know if I am wanting to be a teacher right away or be a mommy. Sometimes I would love to get out of the house and say that I have a job that teaches children how to survive in this crazy world. I just found out I do have a job, but I still don't know when I will start. I will be working at a fitness center in the childcare center. I will be able to bring the girls without being charge, which is a huge blessing! I am going crazy inside my little house with nothing to do! I have cabin fever! But we will see if this job will be good or not......who knows.

Well, I thought I would share my thoughts about the last 3 years! I must go now.....children are grumpy and need to be fed!

Now here are some pictures from Clint's birthday and playing outside when the weather was nice:

Gracie and Hannah going for a walk in the wagon

Gracie playing "peek-a-boo" in the playhouse

Hannah playing "birdie" with daddy

Gracie, of course, posing for the camera....and trying to eat it

We met "Mama and Pampa" at Cracker Barrel in Tucson for Clint's birthday

Pampa and Gracie

Hannah and Gracie sitting on a rocking chair together outside of the restaurant

Pampa walking with his girls

Our small group through a "surprise party" for Clint. We forgot the candles, so we used a tea candle instead. It was a Harley cake :) with a fat boy bike on it.

Gracie playing outside. LOOK AT THAT BELLY!

She's workin' on a PBI aparently

Hannah loves to ride in this car
"Born to be a Team Canada fan" hat from Uncle Merl and Aunt Glenda

After playing outside, Hannah passed out on the couch....:) what a sleeping baby!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Quote of the Day

"So, I told some of my Christian friends that it is time for us to consider supporting universal healthcare. When I said that, I found out something interesting. I used to think we Christians were pro-life. It turns out, we are simply anti-abortion. When I began talking about universal healthcare, you would have thought that I suggested we lynch Pat Robertson."

-From Burnside Writer's Collective