Friday, February 01, 2008

3 years!

It is amazing how time flies! I can't believe that Hannah is 3 today. It's just weird to me that I have a 3 year old now. I really remember my labor experience like it just happened. I remember having to drive myself to the hospital because I was in labor and Clint was at work. Time flies! Now Hannah is growing up so fast. She is becoming a beautiful young little girl. She is doing a wonderful job at potty training and doesn't hardly have any problems. And now I am realizing that Gracie will be one years old in just a month. She is walking around and getting into everything!

I just can't believe that time goes by so fast. I am torn between my feelings and wants. I love the fact that my girls are growing up so fast, but at the same time, I want them to stay my little girls forever! Pretty soon my girls are going to go to school become their own people. And when they hit the teen years, boy will we have out work cut out for us! It's just amazing to me that in 3 years I have two beautiful little girls and a wonderful husband! I am certified as a teacher now, but I don't know if I am wanting to be a teacher right away or be a mommy. Sometimes I would love to get out of the house and say that I have a job that teaches children how to survive in this crazy world. I just found out I do have a job, but I still don't know when I will start. I will be working at a fitness center in the childcare center. I will be able to bring the girls without being charge, which is a huge blessing! I am going crazy inside my little house with nothing to do! I have cabin fever! But we will see if this job will be good or not......who knows.

Well, I thought I would share my thoughts about the last 3 years! I must go now.....children are grumpy and need to be fed!

Now here are some pictures from Clint's birthday and playing outside when the weather was nice:

Gracie and Hannah going for a walk in the wagon

Gracie playing "peek-a-boo" in the playhouse

Hannah playing "birdie" with daddy

Gracie, of course, posing for the camera....and trying to eat it

We met "Mama and Pampa" at Cracker Barrel in Tucson for Clint's birthday

Pampa and Gracie

Hannah and Gracie sitting on a rocking chair together outside of the restaurant

Pampa walking with his girls

Our small group through a "surprise party" for Clint. We forgot the candles, so we used a tea candle instead. It was a Harley cake :) with a fat boy bike on it.

Gracie playing outside. LOOK AT THAT BELLY!

She's workin' on a PBI aparently

Hannah loves to ride in this car
"Born to be a Team Canada fan" hat from Uncle Merl and Aunt Glenda

After playing outside, Hannah passed out on the couch....:) what a sleeping baby!

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