Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Once again, if you're a good little fundamentalist, skip this post. Or, better yet, read it with an open mind.

I am sick and tired of legalism replacing true faith. It absolutely boggles my mind that someone can claim to love and follow Jesus in one breath and in the next say they'll "never go to San Francisco because that's where the gays are." You've got to be kidding me! Who did the Jesus you claim to love hang out with? Tax collectors, whores, and fishermen. Who did he not get along with? The local religious leaders who had thought up a list of things people needed to do (or not do) to be "right with God." In short, they promoted legalism.

(On a side note: I'm also sick of the "Christian=Republican" mindset. Since when did George W become infallible?)

To continue in this vein, go to the Burnside Writer's Collective and read this article.

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