Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I AM ..........


I am now officially a certified teacher! After having to take two long long tests, and 8 hours later, I found out I passed the teacher certification test. This is the end of a really long process. I am just thanking God that this chapter in my life is coming to an end.

I am done with student teaching, which is a big relief. I am just so excited to be done with this long long process of my life. After 6 1/2 years of going to school, taking time off three different times to get married, then have two babies, I am finally done. I walked across stage in May, but I needed to complete my student teaching this past fall. And then I needed to take the two tests. I was prepared to not pass them, but I DID!!! Last night when I got the "unofficial transcript" in an email I read it and I yelled "I PASSED" and then I looked at the other "unofficial transcript" I again yelled "I PASSED" to Clint. I just was so overwhelemed and excited, it just was so exciting to know that this part of my life can be done. I don't know the actual scores yet, but it doesn't matter because I PASSED!!

Now I just have to take care of the little things and make sure I can get my offical diploma!!!! I am officially done!!!! Oh, it's just so nice to know that! I can't tell you how excited I am!!!!

Well, I thought I would put a couple of pictures on here, just for kicks :)
Here is a recent picture of the family. We took it at Thanksgiving and look, I think everyone is smiling! Gracie is 9 months old and Hannah is 2 1/2....going on 3 in February!

This is a picture I took right after teaching almost for the last time in student teaching. That was such a nice feeling!

Monday, November 19, 2007


It's always fun to have a web-based quiz tell you about your political affiliation. This one tells you which Presidential candidates match up with your socio-political ideas.

My top three were Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, and Christopher Dodd.

Try the quiz here.

Friday, November 09, 2007

I'm protesting your protest!

Once again the Internet Monk has struck a chord that resonates with me.


If you attend any type of conservative Christian church, the odds are good that you've recently received an email or have been told to boycott a new movie called The Golden Compass. Apparently (or allegedly) this movie promotes atheism. *gasp* Protect your children's feeble minds! Avoid this film at all costs! Break out the placards and sandwich boards!

No, no, no! Wrong answer! I'm really tired of the reactionary nature found in almost any church. Do I need to use military analogies (which seem so prevalent in conservative churches)? Since when will a retreat win a battle? Don't cut and run or you'll give up ground!

Please read Michael Spencer's post. Here are a couple excerpts:
"...I want my students to see Golden Compass, read Pullman, hear Dawkins/Harris/Hitchens and generally engage atheism. You aren’t going to hide from atheism in the Christian ghetto. Our children can’t be sheltered. We can’t portray all atheists as kooks and weirdos."

"I frequently tell my students that I would much prefer they embrace any position honestly than pretend to believe something they don’t really believe at all. Yes, I’d rather have an atheist than a phony Christian. Any day of the week."

This boycott mentality is another example of not loving God with your whole mind. It's mental and spiritual laziness. It's a whole lot easier to ignore atheism than to engage it in a loving and intelligent dialogue.

Luke 10:27
The man answered, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’"

Read Paul's dialogue with the Athenians at the Areopagus (Acts 17:16-34). This is a famous example of engaging an opposing viewpoint in loving and intelligent discussion, not boycotting and avoiding.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

I wouldn't call it justice, but at least it's something.


Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, KS has been ordered to pay $10.9 million to the father of a Marine killed in Iraq.

You may better know the church by their website- http://www.godhatesfags.com/.

I get sick just typing that.

This church thinks it's a great idea to blame military deaths "on America's tolerance of homosexuals." Now there's the love of Christ in action. Pure hate is being disguised as Christianity. And Christians wonder why people don't want to go to church. Can you blame them when they hear/see crap like this?

These same jokers also protested at Tammy Faye Messner's memorial service, according to her son Jay Bakker. She wasn't afraid of people who were "different" than her. From what I've heard, she befriended any- and everyone and loved them. And these misguided religious zealots blame her for what wrong with this nation?

I think it's the other way around. Religion like that is what's wrong. I don't see much difference between them and the KKK, except that the KKK was a bit more violent. Hate under the guise of church is still hate. They are quite willing to point fingers at homosexual individuals and call them dirty sinners, but their hate and their judgment are no better. It makes them sinners as well. The Apostle Paul said that we ALL are sinners and the sinning won't stop until we are perfected in the actual presence of God. But none of us are there yet. We are still on the earth in imperfect bodies, susceptible to sin.

And by the way, how can God hate? The Apostle John said that "God is love," and that "God is light, in Him there is no darkness at all." Hate is not love. Hate is not light, it is darkness. God cannot hate.

"But the one who hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes." 1 John 2:11

"This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command." John 15:12-14

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

This was just too good:

"Osteen is a Gospel preacher like Col. Sanders is an army officer."
-The Internet Monk


Saturday, October 13, 2007

Our hectic, busy life!

Gracie is 7 1/2 months old
and crawling and now pulling herself up.

My goofy girls!


Well, I have not written a blog in a very long time. The reason: TOO BUSY AND TOO STRESSED TO THINK ABOUT IT. Anyhow, I have decided I want to do one today.

There has been a lot going on in my busy life. I am trying to juggle being a student teaching, working without getting paid, being a full-time mommy and full-time maid (cleaning the house after two little ones is a pain.), and trying to find time for church and find time for my husband and building up our marriage. It has been a difficult road.

First student teaching: Student teaching has been a non-stop stressful journey. The atmosphere at the school itself is negative, complaining, and very critical. It seems to me that I can never do anything right and that I can't make any mistakes in this process of teaching the students. However, that's how it was at the beginning of this teaching process. I believe, or hope, that it will change soon. I am quickly learning my strengths and weaknesses along with the teaching I am working with. We really get along, but just like human being, when you have been around someone everyday for 8 hours a day, you tend to get on each other's nerves. It is human nature to want to be in control all the time, which is, I think, hard for a teacher who is wonderful, but wants to be in control of her classroom the whole time, not allowing me to take over like I am suppose to be. I am trying my hardest not to get frustrated at the situations that we are both facing at the school. I even have a little verse in my desk to remind me not to complain or argue about things because God is in control. So, I know that in the "real world" people can be cruel and very negative in every situation. I just have to tell myself that this is only a little bit longer and I know I will be stronger when I come out of the whole thing. I am sure I will be frustrated still and it won't end until I am completely done with the experience. But I know that this is something I have to endure in order to become stronger as a teacher.

My girls: I can't believe that my girls are growing up so fast and I am hardly home to enjoy it! Hannah is growing up so fast, but not potty trainging yet. That little stinker! Sometimes it seems like she will go, but then she regresses and doesn't want to go at all. Some days are beter than others, but isn't that the same with all children? She is not really liking the fact that Gracie is now mobile. She gets jealous of the fact that Grace likes to eat and terrorize Hannah and her toys. But at the same time, she is really protective over her little sister. She wants to help,but sometimes it's not helping her and instead it's hurting her. So, that's a challenge for us as parents to try to encourage Hannah to be nice to her sister and not hit all of the time. But we love to see them grow and play together. oh yeah, GRACIE IS ALREADY PULLING HERSELF UP. She just started crawling! NO, I'M NOT READY FOR IT YET!

The rest of my life is pretty much trying to juggle everything else around. Clint and I are having a hard time trying to spend time together. But we are now in a small group with our church that is for young married couples. We are the only ones with kids right now and so they are all very helpful and willing to watch the girls. So, today, (I am so excited), we are going on a date, which we haven't had a really date in a really long time. It will be so nice for us to just relax and not have to worry about stopping and starting a conversation :)

Well, that's all for now. I now get to have yummy Hawaiian strong coffee! So excited!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Memories of Rich Mullins

Here are a couple of bloggers memories of Rich Mullins, who died 10 years ago this week.

Brant Hansen remembers this from an encounter with Rich.

Jason Boyett remembers Rich's influence on his burgeoning faith.

I'll organize my own thoughts and post something later.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Onward Christian/American soldiers!

Shaun Groves has a great post about how the events of September 11, 2001 affected his thinking and his theology. Read it here.

An excerpt: "Politicians spoke of Saddam Husein and Bin Laden as if they were subhuman. My church sang 'God Bless America' with more gusto than 'Amazing Grace' and my pastor preached on why God wanted us to war with our enemies.
Our mourning the loss of friends fueled our love of country above most if not all. We vowed to bomb terrorists nations into the stone age and our president declared war by walking into a cabinet meeting and announcing, 'Let’s kick some ass.' And all God’s people said 'Amen.' ”

The words of people like Shaun and Andrew Osenga and Derek Webb have really helped me move beyond the tradtional "Christian=patriotic white middle class Republican" mindset and arrive at Scripture. I was slowly getting through it on my own, but they've helped a lot. (It also helps that I was a white middle class Canadian before I was white middle class American.)
Jesus didn't show up and say "Let's kick some Roman ass!" When some "terrorists" ran the planes into New York my first thought was not "Let's kick some ass" but, "It's about time." The US had been playing the big bully for a long time and it was pretty much inevitable that someone would bring the fight here. While many of the good little Christians were foaming at the mouth and singing patriotic songs, I wondered who was concerned for the people on the other side of the "war." How were/are their souls less valuable than any American's?
Yes, I think it is noble to defend the defenseless, but the "war on terror" has gone beyond that now. And how can you fight an ideology or belief? Is this a new twist on the Crusades? "Wipe out the terrorists!" "Onward Christian/American soldiers!"

"You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.' "But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous."
Matthew 5:43-45

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Student Teaching

I am in a 4th grade class student teaching and it is a lot different then I ever imagined. First of I am trying to keep organized and up to speed with correcting papers and trying to help my cooperating teaching keep organized. It is very hard to keep motivated. We are consistently going, going, going with either paper work, collecting papers, having parents sign papers, dealing with problem students.....nothing like I would have ever imagined.

I have been doing this for 2 weeks, but although it seems difficult, I am excited to be teaching the students and getting experience actually up front interacting with the students. I haven't been actually teaching yet, but just interacting with the students by observing and helping them out, getting them used to the first couple of weeks of 4th grade.

Please be praying for the well-being of my cooperating teacher, the students and myself. We are all feeling stressed and overwhelmed by the first couple weeks of school and getting into a normal routine. I am suppose to be in the classroom for 540 hours, which is about the whole semester. I am looking forward to teaching and being able to have my own classroom. I am trying not to take over the class too right now. For instance, when she is dealing with some student problems, I will take over and have them do something simple while she is out of the classroom.

One of the problems we are facing this year, is a couple of the students are hard to handle. They need extra time and effort to deal with them in the regular classroom. one of the students is suppose to have an aide, but for some reason, doesn't this year, which is causing difficulty and problems. Another student is ADHD and that definitely causes problems within the classroom.

So, will you please be praying for a extra extra patience with the students and the school this year.


Thursday, August 16, 2007


Here is an interesting website that will take you through a quiz and determine where you stand on the social-political grid.

Take the quiz and let me know where you end up. But one thing to keep in mind:
"The Political Compass is a universal tool, reflecting the full spectrum of political thought, and applicable to all democracies. US politics are generally fought within a more confined space. While in mainstream America, Clinton, for example, may be seen as left leaning, in the overall political landscape, she is a moderate conservative. Someone like Kucinich, while seen by his severest opponents as an extreme left winger, would qualify as a typical social democrat in a European context."

Friday, August 10, 2007

"I’ll tell you what a mental problem is: when you can spend your lifetime reading a book whose purpose is to draw you into friendship with Jesus, and your main public response to that book is to criticize other people."

-as heard in the Boar's Head Tavern

Friday, August 03, 2007

Some Insight

So, this morning I was reading through Ephesians 3 in the Bible and then I read the Commentary done by Jon Coursen. I believe that God really spoke through this topical study he wrote about Ephesian 3:14-17. And I thought I would share it on here. I do not know who reads this and I don't really care, but I think that it's important for me to get this out on the internet because maybe someone who usually doesn't read blogs, will find this comforting and encouraging. I feel that God is leading me to share what I have learned in my devotions this morning, with others.

Ephesians 3:14-17 (18-19)

“For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”

A topical study of Ephesians 3:14-17 titled: “Jesus: At Home In Your Heart”

Written in Jon Courson’s Application Commentary of the New Testament

Confusion must have filled their heats. Questions must have flooded their minds, for hadn’t Jesus said, “In My Father’s house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2)? Why, then, a few moments later did He say, “If a man love Me, He will keep My words. My Father will love him and We will come unto him and make our abode with him” (John 14:23)?

“I’m going to prepare a place for you,” Jesus said-“and yet I will come and live in you.” We see Paul the apostle using the same imagery in our text when he says his prayer is that Christ will dwell in our hearts by faith. The Greek word translated “dwell” is katoikeo. Oikeo means “to dwell in a house.” Kat means “down.” Therefore, katoikeo means “down home.”

The idea is that Jesus would be completely at home in our hearts.

“Behold, I stand at the door of your hearts and knock,” Jesus said, “If any man hear my voice and open the doors, I will come in to him and will sup with him and he will Me” (Revelation 3:20).

Holman Hunt’s famous painting, depicting Jesus standing at the door of what appears to be an English cottage, hands in St. Paul’s Cathedral in London.

“There’s a problem with your painting, Mr. Hunt,” a critic is reported to have said upon first viewing his work. “There’s no doorknob on the door.”

“Ah,” Mr. Hunt is said to have replied, “the door handle is only on the inside, for it’s up to the one within to respond to the knock of Jesus.”

Jesus will not force His way into a heart. He won’t barge in where He’s not welcome. He’s a perfect gentleman who knocks and says, “If you’ll respond to Me, I’ll come in and dine with you. But the choice is up to you.”

Most of us have made that choice. We heard His knock and said, “Come in, Lord. Come into the home of my heart.” And He did.

The Living Room

The first room He saw in the home of my heart was the living room. “Nice room,” He said.

“Thanks, Lord. It’s one of my favorite spots because it’s relatively quiet and secluded.”

“I’ll meet you here every morning of every day,” He said. “Before the day gets going, I’ll meet you here in the early morning, and we’ll talk about what’s ahead. When I walked in Israel, I needed instruction and help daily from My Father. So morning by morning, the Father spoke into My ear, giving me the tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary (Isaiah 50:4). And now I’ll do the same for you.”

What followed was great. I would come into the living room, a fire would be crackling in the fireplace, and Jesus would be there, ready to talk with me and listen to me. It was a great way to start the day. As time went on, however, things got busy, or so I thought. Rushing out the door to a meeting, I caught a glimpse of Him, sitting. And I realized I hadn’t met with Him for a number of mornings. I stopped in my tracks and walked sheepishly over to where He was sitting, thinking He would lecture me. But He didn’t. There was a smile on His face and a sparkle in His eye as He said, “As I was saying . . .” continuing the conversation we had shared the last time we were together. And I understood then, truly, that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). He just continues to make Himself available morning by morning to help me speak wisely and to navigate life successfully.

The Study

As the morning drew to a close, Jesus said, “What is that room over there?”

“Oh, that’s my study. Come on in.” He followed me in, and I noticed He was looking rather intently at the books on the shelves.

“Look, Lord,” I said proudly, “I’ve got all the latest bestsellers: Winning Through Intimidation, Watch Out for Number One, I’m OK You’re OK, Dressed for Success, and Awakening the Giant Within.

“Do these books works?” He asked.

“Not really,” I answered. “That’s why I keep collecting more.”

“How about a book trade?” He asked.

“Sure, Lord. What do You have in mind?”

You give Me your books, and I’ll give you sixty-six books bound in a single volume-one that will make you unashamed as you study to show yourself approved unto Me (2 Timothy 2:15), one that comes with an incredible guarantee that if you meditate upon it day and night, you will navigate life prosperously and successfully” (Joshua 1:8).

He took my books. I took His. And suddenly my study was filled with a Book that would intrigue me for the rest of my life.

The Family Room

“What’s that I hear down the hall?” Jesus asked.

“That’s my family room,” I said, opening the door. My kids stopped their playing and rushed toward Him.

“Back off, you guys,” I said, laughing.

“I think I’ve heard that before,” He said, “when some other disciples tried to keep their kids away from Me (Matthew 19:13). Allow them to come.”

So they tackled Him, and He wrestled with my kids on the floor. They had the time of their lives. Then He calmed them down a bit and began telling them stories. I could see my oldest son nod his head in agreement, and a smile on the face of my youngest daughter. Suddenly, a peace enveloped the room that was usually so rambunctious, so disorderly, so chaotic.

“This is amazing, Lord,” I said. “You’ve altered this room radically.”

That’s why I asked you, as head of the house, to let me into the family room,” He said. “I’ll alter your kids, your marriage, your home, if you will build a family altar to Me. You see, more than any other group of people-more than your congregation or your elders or your friends-your wife and your kids are your primary disciples. So bring your family together, and learn of Me. There’s nothing more important you can do.”

The Recreation Room

Hearing a knock on the doors, I opened it to find my buddies. We walked down the hall into the recreation room. “Lord, You wouldn’t like it in here,” I said. “This group is real rowdy. So I’ll meet you in the living room in an hour or so.”

The boys and I grabbed our pools cues, turned on the radio, and began doing what we did every Tuesday. But this time, it didn’t work. The jokes just weren’t as funny, and the conversation suddenly seemed shallow and empty. Even the lyrics of the music bothered me. After half an hour or so, I heard a knock on the door. It was Jesus.

He began to talk with my buddies, and I was absolutely amazed because they all loved Him. Oh, a couple of guys got upset and stormed out. But I learned later they weren’t my friends after all. They just wanted to use my pool table.

I learned that Jesus is the Life of the party in the truest sense of the word. I also learned that I’m free to do anything as long as I have Him with me because He changes the atmosphere. Now, if I go into a party and the party changes me, then I must leave. But if the party changes and people start thinking about Jesus as a result of my being there, I am free. And I discovered that Jesus Christ has spoiled me-for I had too much of Him to enjoy the old spots. So I’ve learned to bring the Lord with me to all of my recreational pursuits, and to watch how He infused them with His life.

The Dining Room

After working up quite an appetite, I said, “Lord, let’s go get something to eat.” We went into the dining room and sat down to my usual meal.

“This is what you eat?” the Lord asked.

“Every day,” I answered.

“Really? This is the way your satisfy your appetite?” He asked incredulously as He looked at the large glob of cotton candy on my plate.

“This is the way I try to satisfy my craving,” I said. “I must admit, however, that although it looks good, when I take a bite, there’s just nothing there. That’s why I follow it with a hot fudge sundae. I eat the ice cream and the hot fudge and the whipped cream, and there’s something there, all right-but every time I’m done, I feel sick. So I decide never to have another one. Then about five hours later, I think another hot fudge would taste pretty good, so I dish one up again. But although I feel full- I never feel satisfied.

After hearing this, He went into the kitchen and came back a few minutes later with the most interesting meal for me” a little cup full of juice and a little piece of unleavened bread. “This is My body, eat of Me. This is my blood. Drink deeply,” He said.

Something happened at my table that evening. It became the Lord’s table. And it became incredibly satisfying to commune with Jesus. Feeling satisfied in a way I never had before, I suddenly understood what He when He said, “Whoever drinks of the water I shall give shall never thirst again” (John 4:14).

Brother or sister-if you’re thirsting today, it’s because you’ve gone back to the old watering holes. If you’re feeling empty and troubled, it’s because you’re gone back to the old ways. Whoever drinks of the water of the world will thirst over and over again, for it will never be enough. But whoever drinks of the water Jesus gives, will be satiated at last.

The Workshop

“What’s behind that door?” the Lord asked.

“That’s my workshop. I don’t go out there much anymore,” I said, opening the door, to find some unfinished wooden planes and cars on the worktable. “I’ve lost interest in there things,” I said, “Besides, I’m not that good at woodworking”

“I’m a Master Carpenter,” He said. “I can give you some help on there projects.” So He gave me some advice on putting them together.

Then He said, “Now take those toys-the hobby you’re been pursuing-and give them away.”

So I grabbed my little toys, found some kids at the park, and said, “You guys want some planes and cars?” Their eyes lit up. And suddenly my hobby made sense.

“So that’s what you meant, Lord, when You told us that in the measure we give out, it will be given back,” I said (Luke 6:38).

People garden, paint, remodel, bowl, and collect things only to get bored and go on to the next hobby. If hobbies, however, were used to someone else, what a difference it would make. You who like to garden-mow someone’s lawn for free next Saturday and leave a note on the door saying, “God bless you.” You who like to bake-make some cookies and give them to someone in need in Jesus’ name. You who like to ride bikes-how about taking a kid who doesn’t have a dad on a ride around the lake? In this way, biking, gardening, and baking have meaning because you’re in the workshop using the talents and interests God give you to share with others. Use those talents only for yourself, and you’ll be boring and shallow. But give them away, and you’ll be blown away with blessing.

What a difference the Lord has made in my heart. The workshop has meaning again. The family room is not so chaotic. The dining room satisfies the appetites and cravings of my heart. The study is rich with wisdom and insight.

But one day, the Lord said to me, “From the day I came in here, I’ve smelled something foul. It’s making Me ill-not because of how it affects Me-but because I know it is poisonous to you and your family. There’s a toxic dump somewhere in this house, and I’ve determined it’s behind that door right down the hall.”

“Oh, Lord,” I said, “that’s just an old closet. I’m going to take care of it sometime. I know it stinks, but You’ll grow accustomed to it. Trust me, I’ve had it for a number of years, and I don’t even notice anymore.”

“Can I have a look?” He asked.

“No, Lord,” I said. “I’ve given You entry into every room in the house of my heart. But that one closet is mine. I know it stinks, but it’s mine. You’re welcome to go where You want and do what You wish in every other room-but that closet belongs to me.”

With that, He slipped away into the farthest corner of the home. And suddenly, the family room lost it’s life. The study became tedious. The old songs began to be played in the recreation room. And the dining room table held only cotton candy and hot fudge sundaes. After several days, I said, “Lord, I don’t want You stuck off in a corner of the house. I want You to move around freely. I need You in my family room. I need You in my study. I need You in my living room. But I can’t deal with that closet, Lord, I don’t know what to do.”

“All I’m asking,” He replied, “is that you agree with Me that it stinks and that it’s got to go. I’ll do the rest-but you must give me your permission.” That’s what confession is. Confession simply means to agree. That’s why the apostle John says if we confess our sin, he will be faithful and just to forgive our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

I had forgotten how good a house could smell. I was reminded of the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Mary poured ointment on Jesus, and John records that the fragrance filled the whole house (John 12:3). In other words, the whole house smelled like Jesus.

“Lord, You have been such a wonderful influence in the house of my heart,” I said. “From now on, it’s Your house. I’ll be the guest. You be the owner.

Smiling, He said, “I have a better idea. Now that you’ve given Me your house, let’s go to My house. I’ve been working on it for two thousand years. I can’t want to show you what I’ve prepared for you.”

Once I gave Him control of my home, His work was done. Now He could take me to His home. And that’s a whole new story. I can’t tell it to you because eyes have not seen and ears have not heard the things God has prepared for those who love Him (1 Corinthians 2:9). It’s a story beyond description.

That’s where we’re going, gang. You who, by faith, have allowed Christ to dwell in your hearts, to be at home in your hearts, will soon find yourself at home in the place He’s preparing for you. In the meantime, while we await that day, we can experience a bit of heaven in our lives presently as we allow Him to be at home in every room of our hearts. May the Lord help us to give Him the keys to every closet, the title deed to the home in its entirety. May we be those who say, “Come on it, Lord. It’s all Yours.”

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Our Beautiful Gifts From God!

Here are some adorable pictures of the girls that I have taken throughout the month of July. They are getting so big! Hannah is 30 months (2 1/2 years old)
And Grace is 5 months old!

Hannah and Grace were looking at me while Clint took the picture.
So cute!

Hannah was begging to watch MacGyver. What a goof!

Oh, she loves MacGyver!

Clint calls her a trucker girl!

Grace was sucking on an apple. She loved it!
She was COVERED in apple slobber!

Hannah and her adorable little shirt! Isn't she a doll?

Gracie is learning how to sit up by herself! And she loves her picture taken

What a goofy grin!

What a big girl!
She loves to hold her bottle and talk with it while it's in her mouth.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Baptist Communion

The Internet Monk wonders why Baptists don't have communion more...

Reason #2:
" 'If we do it more often, it won’t be as special.'

I’d love to see the response of these preachers if their wives came up with that line regarding sex. 'I’m sorry sweetheart. More than once every three months would make it so much less special.' "

Read the whole post here.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

All good things must come to an end

Well, our journey to Canada has ended. Clint is back at work today and I am back at home with the girls trying to recover from two weeks of partying and staying up way past our bedtime. Life in Canada was wonderful. We enjoyed riding and riding, and riding some more. We went fishing, sort of. We also went canoeing together and we went to the pool. I met a lot of family whom I had never met before. It was just a blast! We dreaded having to come back to our lives here in Phoenix. Oh well, all good things must come to an end. Our flights to Winnipeg and back home were horrible, but God got us through both delays and turbulence....everything in a flight you don't want, happened to us, except for crashing of course. It felt like there was going to be a near-death experience. Anyways, we had a blast and wish we could stay there forever. Clint said now he is restless and doesn't like riding his yamaha when he rode a harley for two weeks.

But what I was really going to do right now, is post a bunch of pictures from our trip.

The Ulrich Reunion "Rebellion"

Gracie and her can of coke. She actually was trying to lick the can.

Grace and Hannah. Grace can sit up and she likes to sit with her big sister

This sign took Heidi and me almost an hour to make :)

Heidi and Chrissy. Good times!

Clin shooting clay pigeons

"joy like a fountain"

Hannah's crush

Our Canoeing Adventure!

Me taking a picture of myself :)

Isn't this beautiful?

The fearless leader

Our canoe

It was hot and humid!

And other various pictures:

The harley that we will forever miss!

That's Clint's baby alright!

Laura and Hannah. Hannah loved to be around her.

The "sisters" on Grandpa Isaak's side.

Our family picture. Both kids are actually somewhat happy

Clint and his "cool" look

Our caravan of bikes; 6 altogether

Daddy's little girl

Cody's baptism. It was really awesome to see him being baptized

Hannah and her crazy long hair, that needs to be cut!

Our homestead. Thanks Merl and Glenda for letting us party for 2 weeks with you!

My little cowgirl. She looks so natural

Heidi and Grace. She always loved to try to take care of her

We look good in leather, don't we?

aw, look at all those bikes!

Friday, June 22, 2007

40 Day Fast

40 different bloggers have committed to dedicating their blog to a cause outside of themselves, one day each for 40 days.

See the link on the sidebar.

Friday, June 15, 2007

In other news!

NO, I am not pregnant, but I am officially done with school! And here are some pictures of Gracie doing pushups and Hannah painting her tongue green!

Gracie is getting soo big. She lovs to do push ups
Hannah being her normal goofy self getting
into everything INCLUDING the paint!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

10 Days...

The countdown has begun. We are 10 days away from leaving the oven and winging our way north.

In other news...

Gracie drools a lot and tries to do pushups. Hannah painted her tongue yesterday and is hopefully going to potty train soon.

This is the life!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Hannah and MacGyver!

So, this morning Hannah went into our bedroom (this is where we keep all of our movies) and she picked out MacGyver to watch! She came out into the living room where I was with Grace and she goes "watch, mommy, watch?" So, my 2-year old wanted to watch MacGyver instead of her normal shows like Sesame Street and Dora the Explorer! That's my girl!!! so, we just ended the first episode on season three (the one I have seen the most) and the episode ended and she was sitting on her couch saying, "more?" So, of course I had to put more on for my little MacGyver fan :) it was quite funny because she was also so concerned whenever someone on there "cries". What a goof!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

In response to this post by Caleb Campbell:

Gender goes deeper than mere plumbing. I think God intentionally created man and woman and intentionally made them different physically, emotionally, etc, etc. I don't belive He left gender to personal choice. In that case He could've made us all hermaphrodites and called it a day. Of course that would then preclude free will. Clothing choice can be chalked up to cultural values (nurture), but there are emotional and physical traits that are innate, not learned (nature). Though some can be learned/unlearned, these innate characteristics cannot all be attributed to outside imposition (once again, cultural values).

And no, I don't think God is technically "bound to gender," as gender applies to physical beings. Referring to God as "Him" is probably due to the fact that Jesus was a man and that the writers of Scripture lived in a patriarchal society.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

These are pictures from graduation. Yes! I am finally graduated! Now all I have to do is Student Teach in the fall!

My parents and me-Roger, Sharon, and me

My other set of parents :)-David, Brenda, Clint, and me

The WHOLE family! Huge family, but this is even without the kids. Didn't want to try to wrangle 5 children...... (I won't name everyone)

Clint and me! Finally graduated!

Thinking to myself "yes, finally the ceremony is done! Now can I go home?"

Monday, April 30, 2007

Bethany has said for a while now that we should get a big map and I should put pins at all the places I've lived. Well, Google maps has allowed me to do that online.

A Geographical History of Me can now be viewed online, with brief descriptions at each location.

There's just nothing like making your personal history available to millions of people...

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Adorable Pictures of our family!

Gracie posing for the camera

Hannah loves being a big sister and taking pictures with her little sister.
anytime she can hold her, she gets excited!
It looks like Grace is laughing! Then the next picture
I took she was crying. Goofy girls!

The cousins trying to pose for the camera.
Try getting 4 little kids to smile for the camera all at once, very hard!

My big 2 year old girl!

Daddy and his little girls!
And Finally, the family! All dressed up for Easter!

In less than a week, I will be free from school (sort of) forever! Granted, I am getting my Education degree, so I will be in school until I retire probably, but I will not longer have to do Taylor or Hitson papers (for those of you who don't know, they are 30+ page papers)

I will be student teaching in the fall, but I will be FREE FROM SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE forever! Yay!

For those of you who don't know, I have been going towards an Elementary Education major for 6 years. I took one semester off to get married (which is a very good idea) and then I had to take 2 more Spring semesters off to have babies. I wouldn't change the way my life is for anything. I love being a mommy of a 2 year old and a 2 month old. They are so beautiful and fun to watch grow up. I could never have done any of this without the love and support of my husband and family. My husband has been wonderful, playing mommy sometimes when I would take my night classes. It has been hard, but it's has so been worth it. Now I am able to make all of those all-nighters, 30+ papers all worth it. I can be in the classroom making a difference, one child at a time. Thank you to all of you for all of the encouraging words that you have given me throughout my schooling. I don't think I will be doing any more classes for awhile (except the ones my school decided to tell me I didn't have and almost said I couldn't graduate!) But eventually I will get a certificate (probably) in Special Education, but I want to be able to take a break and be a full-time mommy with maybe substitute teacher until I am done having babies. (Yes, we may have more, don't know yet)

I know this sounds corny and everything, but my graduating is just one step closer to another chapter in my life. It still feels surreal that I will be walking across stage getting my degree (sort of) after spending 6 years in the program watching all of my other friends graduate before I could. Now there is light at the end of the tunnel.

The Family:

Since I still have your attention, I thought I would give you all an update on my family as well.

Clint and I have been going to Desert Spring Bible Church since November and love it! Hannah loves being in the toddler room.

Hannah is a precocious little 2 year old. She loves being a big sister, but at the same time hates it. She still wants mommy to do things for her on demand and realizing that there is someone else that demands my time, is difficult for her to grasp and comprehend. But she is a good big sister. She loves to help mommy with taking care of Grace and Grace really responds to her. Grace's first smile was at Hannah. Grace loves to hear her big sister. It's so cute! Hannah also has been expanding her vocabulary very very much. She is such a talker. And she picks up her vocabulary from tv, from us, from everyone. And she is talking in almost full sentences. My baby is growing up to be such a big girl! I can't believe it!

Grace is already 8 weeks old (2 months on the 3rd). She is growing sooo fast! She is the opposite of Hannah, at the moment, which we knew was going to happen. She gained 2 pounds in one month, so at least I know I was feeding her right. I am sure she is well over 11 pounds. She also has the cutest little baby rolls on her legs :) And now as I mentioned above, she is responding to the sounds of voices. Just today she was talking to her daddy. Grace is really a good baby. She eats a lot in the morning, has a good long afternoon nap, and then eats for a little bit in the evening. Then she usually sleeps for about 6-7 hours at night. She usually eats at around 9:30/10:00pm and then goes to sleep til about 3 or 4 and wakes up when the alarm goes off at about 6:30. She is definitely different from Hannah, but in a good way.

Life is busy, busy, busy, but so good. God has blessed us with so much and we are so thankful for everything we have in our lives. I am just so thankful for all of the support and love through this chapter in my life. I am so greatful that I pushed myself to get my degree. Now I can move on with my life and be a REAL teacher.

So, I will probably not be on here much because I will have to be getting my house ready for a party! If you are graduating, congrats and I will see you at graduation! Excited, excited!!!!!