Thursday, August 23, 2007

Student Teaching

I am in a 4th grade class student teaching and it is a lot different then I ever imagined. First of I am trying to keep organized and up to speed with correcting papers and trying to help my cooperating teaching keep organized. It is very hard to keep motivated. We are consistently going, going, going with either paper work, collecting papers, having parents sign papers, dealing with problem students.....nothing like I would have ever imagined.

I have been doing this for 2 weeks, but although it seems difficult, I am excited to be teaching the students and getting experience actually up front interacting with the students. I haven't been actually teaching yet, but just interacting with the students by observing and helping them out, getting them used to the first couple of weeks of 4th grade.

Please be praying for the well-being of my cooperating teacher, the students and myself. We are all feeling stressed and overwhelmed by the first couple weeks of school and getting into a normal routine. I am suppose to be in the classroom for 540 hours, which is about the whole semester. I am looking forward to teaching and being able to have my own classroom. I am trying not to take over the class too right now. For instance, when she is dealing with some student problems, I will take over and have them do something simple while she is out of the classroom.

One of the problems we are facing this year, is a couple of the students are hard to handle. They need extra time and effort to deal with them in the regular classroom. one of the students is suppose to have an aide, but for some reason, doesn't this year, which is causing difficulty and problems. Another student is ADHD and that definitely causes problems within the classroom.

So, will you please be praying for a extra extra patience with the students and the school this year.


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