Friday, November 09, 2007

I'm protesting your protest!

Once again the Internet Monk has struck a chord that resonates with me.

If you attend any type of conservative Christian church, the odds are good that you've recently received an email or have been told to boycott a new movie called The Golden Compass. Apparently (or allegedly) this movie promotes atheism. *gasp* Protect your children's feeble minds! Avoid this film at all costs! Break out the placards and sandwich boards!

No, no, no! Wrong answer! I'm really tired of the reactionary nature found in almost any church. Do I need to use military analogies (which seem so prevalent in conservative churches)? Since when will a retreat win a battle? Don't cut and run or you'll give up ground!

Please read Michael Spencer's post. Here are a couple excerpts:
"...I want my students to see Golden Compass, read Pullman, hear Dawkins/Harris/Hitchens and generally engage atheism. You aren’t going to hide from atheism in the Christian ghetto. Our children can’t be sheltered. We can’t portray all atheists as kooks and weirdos."

"I frequently tell my students that I would much prefer they embrace any position honestly than pretend to believe something they don’t really believe at all. Yes, I’d rather have an atheist than a phony Christian. Any day of the week."

This boycott mentality is another example of not loving God with your whole mind. It's mental and spiritual laziness. It's a whole lot easier to ignore atheism than to engage it in a loving and intelligent dialogue.

Luke 10:27
The man answered, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’"

Read Paul's dialogue with the Athenians at the Areopagus (Acts 17:16-34). This is a famous example of engaging an opposing viewpoint in loving and intelligent discussion, not boycotting and avoiding.

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